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Iberian Strings 2013
IST, Lisbon, January 22-25 2013



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The Iberian Strings 2013 meeting is the fourth meeting of the Iberian Strings series, superseding previous editions of the Workshop on Gravitational Aspects of Strings and Branes and of Northwest Strings. These meetings bring together a large part of the string theory community of Spain and Portugal and aim at discussing recent advances in the field of strings and branes. String theorists working elsewhere are also welcome to participate at the meeting.

Iberian Strings 2013 will be held at Instituto Superior Técnico (Lisbon/Portugal) from January 22 till January 25, 2013.  

The previous meeting took place in Bilbao.

The present edition will feature 8 invited review lectures on hot topics as well as a considerable number of shorter (30 minute) talks by participants.  The list of review lecturers is given below.

Those interested in participating have to register by sending an email to Gabriel Cardoso, see the information mentioned in Contacts. There is no registration fee. PhD students are encouraged to participate at the meeting.

Participants (with the exception of the lecturers) are responsible for making their own hotel reservations. The organizing committee made block reservations at various hotels nearby the IST campus, see the list in Local information.

There will be a conference lunch, which will have to be paid by the participants, see Programme.

This conference is supported by CAMGSD and LARSyS.


  • Frederik Denef (University of Leuven / Harvard University)
  • Bernard de Wit (Utrecht University / NIKHEF)
  • Óscar Dias (CEA Saclay)
  • Michal P. Heller (University of Amsterdam / NCBJ Warsaw)
  • Veronika Hubeny (Durham University)
  • Marcos Mariño (University of Geneva)
  • Miguel Paulos (Brown University / University of Paris)
  • Sakura Schäfer-Nameki (King's College London)

Scientific Committee

  • Ana Achucarro (Bilbao)
  • José A. de Azcárraga (Valencia)
  • Igor Bandos (Bilbao)
  • Miguel Costa (Porto)
  • Roberto Emparan (Barcelona)
  • Carlos Herdeiro (Aveiro)
  • María A. Lledó Barrena (Valencia)
  • Yolanda Lozano (Oviedo)
  • Juan Mañes (Bilbao)
  • Javier Mas (Santiago de Compostela)
  • Filipe Moura (Braga)
  • Tomás Ortín (Madrid)
  • João Penedones (Porto)

Organizing Committee

  • Inês Aniceto (IST)
  • Gabriel Cardoso (IST)
  • Michele Cirafici (IST)
  • Sebastian Guttenberg (IST)
  • Nicolas Orantin (IST)
  • Ricardo Schiappa (IST)

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